Fission 500
A Specialised, dedicated Impoundment and Estuary FISHING BOAT.
The Fission 500 is a radically designed, modern, relatively high-tech glass reinforced plastic (grp) boat with a smorgasbord of features aimed at the dedicated, protected waters fisherman. The hull, deck and cockpit are of vacuum infused, foam sandwich construction giving far superior strength to weight ratios over traditional solid “glass” boats. This means the Fission 500 is stronger and only half the weight of other boats with similar dimensions.
The designer and builder of the Fission 500, Nigel Shannon, a professional boat builder since 1980 and avid fisherman nearly all his life, has fused his boat building talents and fishing knowledge into a dedicated craft that is perfectly suited to most enclosed water fishing scenarios. Many of our Australian waterways are shallow, but the Fission 500 only needs 5 inches (125mm) of water to float. Many “balanced challenged fisherman don’t like fishing from traditional deep “v” boats, where it’s impossible to remain standing without holding on to grab rails- even in relatively calm waters, but the Fission 500 is the most stable craft of its type in existence so grab rails are not necessary.
Being so lightweight, the Fission 500 is fuel efficient and requires a comparatively small outboard motor to give good performance. The added benefit is the reduction in fuel costs down the line for both the boat and towing vehicle.
The Fission 500 should be top of the list for your next NEW BOAT.